Ending Violence Against Women2025-03-07T20:50:39+00:00

The Highland Violence Against Women Partnership

Is a group of services who work together to prevent all forms of Violence Against Women, identify those affected and provide services & support that increase their safety and well-being.

The services involved in the partnership include NHS Highland, The Highland Council, Police Scotland, Scottish Prison Service, Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, 4 Women’s Aid groups, Rape and Sexual Abuse Service Highland (RASASH), Victim Support and High Life Highland , UHI, Relationship Scotland, Youth Highland, Highland child Protection Commitee, WAVE, Safe Strong and Free, Highland Drug and Alcohol Partnership, Adult Protection.

Gender Based Violence Resource Hub

Here you will find a range of information and resources relating to the broad spectrum of gender based violence including:

  • Domestic abuse including victim, children and young people and perpetrator.
  • Rape and other forms of sexual violence.
  • Harmful traditional practices including female genital mutilation (FGM), so called ‘honour based violence’, forced marriage.
  • Commercial sexual exploitation including trafficking, prostitution.
  • Controlling or coercive behaviour;, stalking and harassment, revenge porn’ and on-line abuse.

Gender Based Violence Resource Hub

Here you will find a range of information and resources relating to the broad spectrum of gender based violence including:

  • Domestic abuse including victim, children and young people and perpetrator.
  • Rape and other forms of sexual violence.
  • Harmful traditional practices including female genital mutilation (FGM), so called ‘honour based violence’, forced marriage.
  • Commercial sexual exploitation including trafficking, prostitution.
  • Controlling or coercive behaviour;, stalking and harassment, revenge porn’ and on-line abuse.

Help for women Inverness

Domestic Abuse Help Inverness

Local & National Support Services and  Guides


Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference

Domestic Abuse Help Inverness

Highland VAWP Violence Focused Training

A range of support services for survivors of gender based violence

For people providing services to the public there is a members only page where you will find:

  • A range of policies, practice guides including those for NHS Highland and Highland Council staff.
  • MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) resources including risk assessment checklist and the online referral link.

Upcoming Events

16 Days of Activism

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international [...]


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Photos from Western Isles Women's Aid's post ... See MoreSee Less

🥰✨ Incredible Feedback! ✨

We’re beyond proud to share that in our latest feedback from survivors, 100% answered "always" when asked if their worker:

👐 Treated them with respect
👂 Listened to them
💜 Helped them understand their trauma symptoms
🙌 Gave them choices
🥰 Made them feel safe and comfortable

This is the heart of our work. To every survivor who shared their reflections on our service - thank you. Your voice matters. 💜 And to our dedicated team - this is what true support looks like. 👏

#TraumaInformed #SurvivorVoices #RespectAndEmpowerment
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🙌We are delighted to announce that the Highland Business Women 2025 Charity of the Year is.... 🥁


We can't wait to get to work with this fantastic charity!! Stay tuned as we will be bringing you more on that partnership very soon!!

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our shortlisted charities who presented today. We were humbled to hear of the truly wonderful work they all do. They are all so deserving of our support and the vote is never easy. We know the members who attended and voted today had a really difficult decision on their hands. Thank you again to:

💫 The Oxygen Works 💫
💫 Snap Inverness 💫
💫 Highland BlindCraft 💫
💫 Brent Centre Highlands 💫

We would also again like to thank all of the charities who applied to become our 2025 Charity of the Year. We were overwhelmed with the volume of applications submitted this year and the quality of those applications. We are surrounded by such wonderful charities here in the Highlands.

Again, a big well done to the ladies at RASASH and we look forward to seeing what 2025 will bring!
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To buy tickets in advance for this wonderful event go to


All proceeds to RASASH.
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Brilliant window display at Rebel Row Inverness for international womens day.
Delighted to have spotted HVAWP work amongst it all.
Thank you 💕

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Brilliant window display at Rebel Row Inverness for international womens day.
Delighted to have spotted HVAWP work amongst it all.
Thank you 💕#AccelerateAction

Today on International Women's Day, we celebrate women in policing who bravely and selflessly serve our communities, often putting themselves in harms way to protect the public and keep people safe.

Emily Miller became the first female investigation officer (or "lady assistant") in September 1915 in the City of Glasgow Police, attached to CID to take statements from women and children for sexual assault and abuse cases. She was not employed as a "policewoman" until 1919, and finally gained the power of arrest in 1924. Scotland's first paid and uniformed "policewoman" was Jean Thomson in the Dundee City Police in 1918.

Now, over 100 years on, the "WPC" rank is gone, and women serve in all ranks in Police Scotland, from Constable to Chief Constable.
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